Types of Therapy
What is Mindfulness Therapy?
Mindfulness is a therapy often combined with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and sometimes called Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). Your psychologist will focus on helping you develop more helpful thinking patterns and a non-judgmental attitude to life. You will also develop the ability to pay attention to the present moment and relax. Meditation is often part of Mindfulness therapy.
Mindfulness can help people accept how things are and not negatively judge situations, others, or themselves. It helps them lower their stress levels too. This can decrease distress and help people live more satisfied and tranquil lives. It can also improve people’s resilience to life’s stresses.
What Is Mindfulness Therapy Used To Treat?
There is evidence that Mindfulness can help with:
- Depression
- Generalised anxiety
- Stress
- Trauma
- Parenting-related stress and anxiety
- Postnatal depression
- Pain management
- Chronic health conditions
Make an appointment
Ready to make an appointment, or have any questions? Call us on 0468 637 413 and we can help.